Thank You #MCTLC20

Thank You #MCTLC20

Hi everyone! This is long overdue, but I have to say something about this conference! This year I was an invited guest presenter to the MCTLC (Minnesota Council on the Teaching of Languages and Cultures) Proficiency Possible: Virtual Conference. This was my first time being invited as a guest presenter for a state language organization, yet this was also the first time in which a state language organization had purposely featured Immigrant BIPOC (Black Indigenous People of Color) Voices and Narratives. It was a true honor and a blessing to be a part of this historic event! I enjoyed meeting and collaborating with so many new educators. I personally want to thank the following people:

–> my colleague and friend Abelardo Almazán-Vázquez for your support

–> Megan Budke, MCTLC 2020 President, for leading and organizing this entire virtual conference, as well as making sure that we were all supported throughout the process of preparing for the event

–> Maddy Wieneke, MCTLC Treasurer, for hosting and inviting me as a guest to speak at the Early Career Teacher Virtual Happy Hour

–> Heather Cholat, MCTLC Newsletter Editor, for the wonderful written article of my journey to using comprehensible input, and much more! You can access the article in the MCTLC Newlsetter here.

This entire experience was a much needed and fundamental step towards making language conferences more inclusive so that all educators are represented by being given an equitable opportunity!

Until next time ya´ll,

Kia D. London